Journal Articles

Considerations and Recent Advances in Nanoscale Interfaces with Neurons

Considerations and Recent Advances in Nanoscale Interfaces with Neurons
Youngbin Tchoe, Jihwan Lee, Ren Liu, Andrew M. Bourhis, Ritwik Vatsyayan, Karen J. Tonsfeldt, and Shadi A. Dayeh
Applied Physics Reviews, 8, 41317, 2021 DOI:

Ultra-Sharp Nanowire Arrays Natively Permeate, Record, and Stimulate Intracellular Activity in Neuronal and Cardiac Networks

Ultra-Sharp Nanowire Arrays Natively Permeate, Record, and Stimulate Intracellular Activity in Neuronal and Cardiac Networks
Ren Liu; Jihwan Lee; Youngbin Tchoe; Deborah Pre; Andrew M. Bourhis; Agnieszka D'Antonio-Chronowska; Gaelle Robin; Sang Heon Heon Lee; Yun Goo Goo Ro; Ritwik Vatsyayan; Karen J. Tonsfeldt; Lorraine A. Hossain; M. Lisa Lisa Phipps; Jinkyoung Yoo; John Nogan; Jennifer S. Martinez; Kelly A. Frazer; Anne G. Bang; and Shadi A. Dayeh
2021 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202108378

Microscale Epilepsy

Microscale dynamics of electrophysiological markers of epilepsy
Jimmy C. Yang, Angelique C. Paulk, Pariya Salami, Sang Heon Lee, Mehran Ganji, Daniel J. Soper,
Daniel Cleary, Mirela Simon, Douglas Maus, Jong Woo Lee, Brian V. Nahed, Pamela S. Jones,
Daniel P. Cahill, Garth Rees Cosgrove, Catherine J. Chu, Ziv Williams, Eric Halgren, Shadi Dayeh,
Sydney S. Cash
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.06.024

Electrochemical safety limits

Electrochemical safety limits for clinical stimulation investigated using depth and strip electrodes in the pig brain
Ritwik Vatsyayan, Daniel Cleary, Joel R Martin, Eric Halgren and Shadi A Dayeh
Journal of Neural Engineering, 18, 046077-1 - 046077-15, 2021 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/ac038b

An Analytical Model

An Analytical Model for Dual Gate Piezoelectrically Sensitive ZnO Thin Film Transistors
Hongseok Oh, Shadi A. Dayeh
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2100224-1 - 2100224-13, 2021 DOI: 10.1002/admt.202100224

Microscale Physiological Event

Microscale Physiological Events on the Human Cortical Surface
Angelique C. Paulk, Jimmy C. Yang, Daniel R. Cleary,
Daniel J. Soper, Milan Halgren, Alexandra R. O’Donnell, Sang Heon Lee,
Mehran Ganji, Yun Goo Ro, Hongseok Oh, Lorraine Hossain, Jihwan Lee,
Youngbin Tchoe, Nicholas Rogers, Kivilcim Kiliç, Sang Baek Ryu,
Seung Woo Lee, John Hermiz, Vikash Gilja, István Ulbert,
Daniel Fabó, Thomas Thesen, Werner K. Doyle, Orrin Devinsky,
Joseph R. Madsen, Donald L. Schomer, Emad N. Eskandar,
Jong Woo Lee, Douglas Maus, Anna Devor, Shelley I. Fried,
Pamela S. Jones, Brian V. Nahed, Sharona Ben-Haim, Sarah K. Bick,
Robert Mark Richardson, Ahmed M. Raslan, Dominic A. Siler,
Daniel P. Cahill, Ziv M. Williams, G. Rees Cosgrove,
Shadi A. Dayeh, and Sydney S. Cash
Cerebral Cortex, 21, 3678–3700, 2021 DOI: doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab040